We have solutions for a large number of industries where it is needed
Clean Rooms

The HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system and clean system are crucial for clean rooms in both the pharmaceutical and electronics industries due to their role in maintaining the required environmental conditions.
In the pharmaceutical industry, these systems ensure a sterile environment to prevent contamination of products, such as drugs and vaccines. They control the temperature, humidity, and air quality, removing particles and microorganisms from the air to meet stringent regulatory standards.
In the electronics industry, especially in semiconductor manufacturing, clean rooms are essential for preventing the contamination of sensitive electronic components. Particles as small as a few micrometers can cause defects in microchips and circuits. The HVAC and clean systems work together to maintain low levels of particulates in the air, controlling temperature and humidity to protect delicate electronic products and processes.

Clean Air is a Vital Ingredient to your Food and Beverage Products. Keeping outdoor contaminants from entering your building through your HVAC system is key to protecting your Products, Processes and People.

The best way to solve problems at the production of pharmaceutical products
How to stop the processes which deteriorate the quality of pharmaceutical products during production?
How to minimize idle time of equipment and reduce maintenance costs?
How to improve long-term storage and increase shelf-life of pharmaceutical products?
In order to achieve all these goals, it is necessary to reach the optimum humidity during production and storage of products!
Comply with the stringent health and safety requirements in pharmaceutical production while meeting mandatory quality requirements.
More and more, pharma manufacturers are looking for ways to reduce the costs associated with product manufacture yet increase safety and quality. Cleanroom air filtration and process dust collection solutions play a key role in ensuring the manufacture of high-quality pharmaceutical products while helping you increase your throughput.

Mineral fertilizers and chemical means of plant protection usually consist of small-fraction materials that are harmful to personnel of warehouses and damage buildings.
While being packaged and loaded, free-running small-fraction materials accumulate on constructions in the form of dust and penetrate into pores of construction materials as solution which is formed under high relative humidity in the premises and due to high water absorbency of certain salts.
The impact level of mineral fertilizers’ dust depends on their kind and water absorbency, solubility and dispersity in water, the intensity of air exchange, and most importantly, on humidity and temperature.
Corrosion of porous materials under the action of salts is most severe in constructions which are subject to repeated wetting and drying.
Due to the fact that fertilizers are highly hygroscopic, i.e. have the property to actively absorb moisture from air, they can become compressed and stick into lumps.
Sport facilities

The best way to solve problems at the maintenance of ice arenas and rinks
How to create an optimum indoor climate at ice arenas and skating rinks?
How to create and maintain a high-quality ice surface?
How to reduce maintenance costs of ice arenas and skating rinks?
In order to achieve all these goals, it is necessary to reach the optimum humidity at ice arenas and rinks!
Power Generation

Protection from corrosion
During lengthy periods of idle time of thermal and nuclear power plants equipment, these parts of equipment need protection from corrosion
Equipment of DT Group is used for preservation of:
Steam circuit
Gas circuit
System of ash and slag removal
Electric filter
Feeding electric pump, feeding turbo pump
Low-pressure vapor over-heater
Equipment of substations (open switchgears)
Cabinets and block boards
Reserve containers for extra condensate, feed-up water, etc.
The main reason for occurrence and development of corrosion, and, as the consequence, for destruction of surfaces of units and mechanisms of the above-listed equipment is uncontrolled humidity.
At high relative humidity of 60-100%, the rate of corrosion processes in the steels is 100 – 2000 times higher than at a lower humidity of 30-40%.
The mechanism and rate of atmospheric (stationary) corrosion depends primarily on the humidity-level of the surface of the corrosive metal.
For example: for boiler steels the critical relative humidity is 60%. At humidity higher than 60% the speed of atmospheric corrosion drastically increases g/m2h. Thickness of steel reduces by up to 0.057 mm / year.
Safe preservation retains the quality of equipment, reduces repair and reconstruction costs, maintains technical and economic parameters of thermal power plants and reduces production costs.
Li-ion batteries

Dry Rooms
Battery production takes place in special rooms now commonly referred to as “Dry Rooms”. The main criteria by which dry rooms are classified is in the low dew point (tdp) requirements, these dewpoints can currently range from minus 35.0ËšC to minus 65.0°C.
Violations of parameters, particularly at critical stages of production such as electrolyte fill lead to a decrease in the quality of the Li-ion battery. To maximise product quality, microclimates are often created at critical production points, where the moisture level in the air should be close to zero as possible.